Wednesday, January 30, 2008

NextStudent Offers PLUS Loans for Graduate and Professional Students

According to Phoenix-based NextStudent, a premier education funding company, the proliferation of graduate and professional programs has led to new sources of education funding designed to benefit these goal-orientated students who are, in essence, beginning their career by continuing on in their education. As the job market in the United States continues to generate a need for applicants who are highly competitive in specified fields from technology to the ever-growing medical field, undergraduate students across the country are beginning to feel the squeeze as graduate and professional degrees become must-haves for even intermediate and entry-level positions.

The decision to continue education onto the graduate and professional level is one that oftentimes comes with considerable financial stress because of the continued financial obligation. However, NextStudents Graduate PLUS Loan ( Program may allow borrowers to fund up to the full cost of their education (less any financial aid received), including living expenses, books, supplies and even computers.

NextStudent now offers a PLUS Loan Program for graduate and professional students with rates starting as low as 8.5 percent. The Graduate PLUS Loan Program features the same benefits directly to graduate and professional students that parents of undergraduate students receive from traditional PLUS loans ( Because NextStudent Graduate PLUS loans are federally sponsored, they offer many of the perks of traditional PLUS loans, including eligibility for federal student loan consolidation (, tax-deductible interest and a variety of repayment options.

Eligibility and Credit Resolution

NextStudent offers a simple online application process through E-Signature, and many prospects who apply online qualify within minutes. Also offered is a second look for borrowers who receive an initial denial because of unresolved credit issues. NextStudent has a PLUS Credit Resolution Team that has an 87 percent success rate at resolving borrowers credit issues, resulting in funded PLUS loans.

Graduate PLUS loans ( easily are accessible to many students. To qualify a student must be a U.S. citizen or an eligible noncitizen. Although a credit check is required, many students with limited or no credit history still qualify for Graduate PLUS loans.

Flexible Repayment Options and Aggressive Incentives

With all the great incentives offered by NextStudent and its Graduate PLUS Loan Program, now is the right time for students to take the next step and go for their graduate degree.

NextStudent Graduate PLUS loans offer several repayment options including deferred repayment while a student is enrolled in school at least half time, and there are no prepayment penalties, ever. There also is a 3 percent cash rebate at repayment on the remaining principal balance after the first 12 months of consecutive on-time payments when student borrowers pay through Auto-Debit. In addition, a 2 percent interest rate reduction is available after the first 48 months of consecutive on-time payments when student borrowers pay through Auto-Debit. Student borrowers receive a .25 percent reduction when they choose repayment through Auto-Debit.

NextStudent, federal lender code 834051, is dedicated to helping students and their families find affordable ways to pay for college. NextStudent offers one-on-one education finance counseling and has a portfolio of highly competitive education finance products and services including a free online scholarship search engine, federally guaranteed parent and student loans, private student loans, both federal and private student loan consolidation ( programs, and college savings plans.

The NextStudent Scholarship Search Engine, one of the nations oldest and largest scholarship search engines, is updated daily, available free of charge, completely private and represents 2.4 million scholarships worth $3.4 billion.

For more information about NextStudent and its student loan programs, please visit the companys Web site at

Jeff Mictabor is an enthusiast on the topic of student loan issues in the news. He has been writing for the past 10 years for a variety of education publications. He now offers his writing services on a freelance basis.Cam Blog86805
Bernelle Blog63033

An Apple Fan's Review of the MacBook

First, the bad stuff. Sadly, there are 1 or 2 dead pixels on the glossy wide-screen, but a quick look around the Internet and I've realized there's not a lot of point taking it back because low end TFTs can suffer from dead pixels. It's only when you pay more for a "pixel-perfect" display that there is a return policy on dead pixels. Oh well.

That aside, it has all the trade marks of a classic Apple product. The packaging was superb, and minimal. In fact, I've noticed a trend in packaging. My new Sony Rescission K310i from Orange came in a box barely big enough to fit everything in. It's good to see manufacturers producing packaging solutions that are both functional and well designed.

Once out the box, the MacBook looks simply stunning. The outer casing is a similar white polycarbonate (I believe) to the iBook. Opening the MacBook is a joy - there are no latches or buttons, it's all magnetically done. Opened, the MacBook is a departure to Apple laptops of the past. The keyboard keys are spaced out more and flatter, and the casing is the same ceramic-like material that is found on the base of the Mac Mini.

The connections on the left of the MacBook are the usual stuff, with one notable exception - the MagSafe power connection. It's a small, rectangular port and is also magnetically charged. When plugging in the power adaptor, the connector literally snaps into place due to the magnet. Very neat. The concept is simple, if the power cord is ripped out, instead of pulling the laptop with it, the MagSafe connector just comes out.

Powering up is quick and simple, and after the standard Tiger set up, we're up and running. Only a password was required to connect to my wireless network (new MacBooks have Airport built in) and a few more minutes tinkering had the MacBook set up how I like my Macs to be.

The first noticeable thing is how bright the 13.3 inch display is compared to my old 12 inch Powerbook. I can see me having to turn the brightness down to avoid headaches. The keyboard, which I was worried about, turns out to be almost as usable as a standard keyboard, with lovely positive feedback. Again, a definite improvement over my Powerbook.

After a few minutes playing on the Internet and trying to fix the couple of dead pixels (to no avail) I had a good play, running a few apps to see how the machine responded. General OS stuff is super quick (although the Quad Xeon I played with in the Trafford Centre was slightly quicker!).

From what I've seen so far, I'm impressed. With a 2GHz Intel chip, 1 Gig of RAM and an 80 Gig hard drive, it's got plenty to keep me going (although one of the first websites I visited was Crucial to price up the 2 Gig kit).

James Ashberry is a die-hard fan of Apple products. Read more of James' rantings at James Ashberry's Blog. Web Design Liverpool - Blog65064
Beatrice Blog30498

Has the Real Estate Bubble Popped?

According to a story from Public Radio Internationals radio show Marketplace, the average price of a new home was down 9.7% last month from the same time last year, and thats the biggest plunge in 36 years. At the same time, new home sales are up slightly because sellers are lowering prices significantly. But the big question is, when will the real estate bubble pop? Or has it popped already?

The truth is that the swift rate of price appreciation and construction in past years created a bubble in the real estate market that has in fact recently popped. According to economic expert Christopher Thornberg, The bubbles popped, and its gonna take time to work its way out of the system. There is no soft landing here, we havent found the bottom. Especially along the East and West coasts, the housing market swelled enormously since 2000, with prices and sales up over 30%.

Many have reported a slowing of home sales, even in real estate hot spots like Southern California and the Bay Area. Signs declaring, reduced price in front of homes along oceanfront property in Venice and Hermosa Beach, CA, confirm that the real estate bubble has popped. The major issue for current homeowners is that as prices drop, so do home values. And as a result of skyrocketing prices, many were forced to settle for adjustable-rate-mortgages (ARMs), allowing them to purchase houses in desirable areas that they could just barely afford. Over one third of home loans in the last five years were adjustable.

It was reported on National Public Radios Morning Edition on October 27, 2006 that ARM rates have now begun to rise, leaving millions of homeowners with higher mortgage payments. Experts expect that in the next several years ARM rates will continue to increase, a change could have disastrous results for the housing business. The combination of rising interest rates and a popped real estate bubble means that homeowners will often be unable to sell their properties for what they bought them for.

Some analysts even believe that a collapse in housing could bring down the U.S. economy and create another recession. A burst real estate bubble could have dire consequences for the national economy. 750,000 real estate foreclosures are expected over the next five years. Homeowners are being forced to look at their options. The main recommendation of real estate agents and lenders is to find a way to get out of your adjustable-rate-mortgage or equity line of credit and find a more stable loan. Even if this means paying certain one-time fees, the savings will be considerable in the long run and could help thousands keep their homes. Lenders all over the U.S. are reporting that customers are coming into their offices to do whatever they can to get a fixed-rate mortgage.

Refinancing is the Best Option

If youre a homeowner, you should think about the best way to safeguard yourself against rising interest rates. Mortgage refinancing is the choice that many are making in order to preserve their financial stability. I personally looked into refinancing with, and Ive been pleased with their interest rates and customer service. My wife is Spanish-speaking, and they were able to accommodate her language needs. There are other companies out there, such as the Loan Store and Countrywide, etc, but when explored their offers I wasnt impressed. If youre looking for a company that wont treat you as another number in line, you should definitely consider Life Planning Network. They were friendly, and put me at ease.

Refinancing will allow me to switch from an ARM to a fixed-rate one, with fairly little hassle. I know that whatever fees I will have to pay now will pay off in the long term, since interest rates are likely to keep rising indefinitely. I am tired of having to worry about my familys stability, and whether or not we can keep our home. I want to know that my children wont suddenly have to move just because I didnt watch the real estate bubble and find out whether it was going to pop soon. After finishing the refinance process, Ill feel secure knowing that no matter what happens with interest rates, I will pay a stable mortgage payment every month and be in control of my own finances.

Once again, due to the instability of the market, you should refinance your ARM or balloon mortgage to make it a fixed-rate payment as soon as possible. As for the economy, is it in for a crash? I dont want to cause you to panic, so Im not going to say either way. But if you want to protect yourself against the popped real estate bubble, its best to refinance so that you can keep your home in the long term.

To stay current on trends in the real estate market, Id recommend going to Also, be sure to check out for the latest refinance rates and more tips on refinancing. Ask any real estate expert, and theyll tell you that now is the best time to take advantage of refinancing. In five years, youll thank yourself.

Chris Ciabarra has a Masters in Business from Alvernia College.He has worked in various financial and utility companies, and now is a business consultant in Los Angeles. Alisun Blog48559
Belinda Blog77149

Miniature Roses And How To Care For Them

Most of the mini roses you buy in the store are Florist roses, there is no guarantee that they will live for very long. I have seen exceptions. I have tried growing roses in a sunny windowsill - it must get at least 4 hours of sun a day, and you would have to water it at least one to two times per week. I would also take it outside and spray it with a fungicide/pesticide once a week, even indoors they can get bugs somehow and develop powdery mildew. Or, you can grow it outside, if you live in a temperate zone, in part-shade, again checking about every day for dryness.

I think mini-roses do better outside in part shade with about four to six hours of sun a day, then they would do inside in a sunny windowsill, but as I have said it is up to you. Usually mini-roses are grown on their own roots, so in a deep freeze, even if the top growth died, they could still grow back from the roots in the springtime. You can protect them from deep freezes by covering with a plastic tarp or a cold frame, do an internet search to find good deals on cold frames or mini/small greenhouses.

If you decide to buy more mini roses, you might try some designed for garden use, like End of the Rainbow, Rise N' Shine or Green Ice. Some other hardy varieties are: Antique Rose, Millie Walters, and Magic Carrousel which you could purchase from most Nursery. Jeanne La Joie is a miniature climber, and it grew to about 10 ft. tall. But, this is the exception, not the rule.

Most mini's don't grow that much larger in the ground than they do in the pot, at most maybe twice the width and a few inches taller. Some stay the same size. Again, it depends on the type of mini. You can do a search on the Help me find roses website. If not you can go to your local nursery and talk to them about getting roses.

Miniature Roses, also called Dwarf Roses, can be charming little plants with tiny leaves and flowers that are much smaller than Hybrid Teas. They vary in size. Some are only six inches tall when full grown. Some grow as large as 18 inches. They can be used as border plants, or as edgings because of their small size.

Possible red-flowered hybrids include Baby Masquerade, Beauty Secret, Dwarf King, Little Artist, Magic Carrousel, Midget, Red Cascade, Red Imp, Red Gilardi, Scarlet Gem, Starina and Tom Thumb - just for starters. But that's not important.

First things first. When a flower is finished blooming, when it no longer looks like a flower you would want to cut and put in a a vase in the kitchen, cut it off with a scissors. Don't let it turn brown, and then go to seed. Remove it. You can try planting it in the ground, the sunniest space in the yard is best. Roses need huge amounts of sun.

I highly recommend "Roses for Dummies." There are several pages specifically about Miniature Roses. You will find it informative and a very good introduction to a field that can be a little overwhelming to a newcomer. Pay extra special attention to your planted minirose in the autumn. There is a good chance it is not strong enough to survive our Zone 7 winters, even with Global Warming. Mulch carefully or cover with Burlap to keep it protected. If you don't want to buy a book then go to a nursey or to someone that loves to garden, friends or a family member.

I know they call them indoor mini roses, but they really are happier outside. A mini rose is no different than a garden rose and likes the same things. The atmosphere in a home is too dry for these small roses and it not only dries them out but also incourages spider mites which love a place that is dry and warm. The first thig to do is cut the rose back so that all the dry tips are cut off. Put the pot in a plastic bag, tie it tight at the base of the rose and then place it under a warm spray in the sink. Make sure that all the rose is soaking wet as spider mites hate water. Do this daily for three days.

Repot the mini into a larger pot using packaged soil so you know there will be no insects in it. Put a tespoon of some slow release fertilizer such as Osmocote 14-14-14 and that will give the plant a small amount of nutrients every time you water it. Place the mini in full sun and every day sprtiz it with water. Make sure the rose never dries out but don't get it soaking wet, just damp to the touch. The leaves may still drop for a couple of days, but they will come back nice and green and the plant will bloom for you. Putting the rose outside where it only gets morning and late afternoon sun also makes it healthier.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for offers same day flower delivery within the US and Canada, as well as fast worldwide delivery to international destinations. Start here to search by "Occasion": Blog29660
Anna Diane Blog1783

How Long Does it Take to Recover from Personal Bankruptcy

You're bankrupt. You're doing all the right things to improve your credit and recover from your bankruptcy (i.e., managing your money and credit well, increasing your credit scores, paying your bills early or on time, and re-establishing credit).

So when does the dark cloud that's been over you since you filed bankruptcy leave?

The answer is, "it depends."

With some lenders, as long as your bankruptcy remains on your credit reports you will be denied credit.

The good news is, there are many "normal" lenders who are willing to work with you after bankruptcy. You just need to know where to find them.

It's NOT about working with lenders that are convenient for you. It's about finding lenders that will work with you without taking advantage of your situation.

Each lender sets their own "credit guidelines." What are credit guidelines? They are simply the minimum requirements you must have in order to qualify for credit with that lender.

The three common credit guidelines for most lenders who work with people after bankruptcy are: (1) the amount of time you have since your discharge; (2) how you pay your bills after discharge; and (3) your FICO credit scores.

Time will heal.

The maximum amount of time the dark cloud of bankruptcy follows you is up to 10 years. Remember, this dark cloud is only for a season in your life, not forever. Bottom line: the more time you have after your bankruptcy is discharged the more opportunities you'll have to get credit.

But lenders also need to know you've recovered. Late payments after a discharged bankruptcy are bad news. Lenders need to see an early or on-time payment history to feel comfortable with you after bankruptcy.

There is no escaping a lender who will judge us on our credit scores. This is why it is so important to increase your scores by deleting inaccurate, outdated, and unverifiable information from your credit reports. Your FICO scores are just too important to ignore. You need to make it a priority to keep your FICO credit scores as high as they can be. High credit scores are the key to unlocking opportunities that have been hidden from you.

Let's look at how lenders use credit scores so you can understand what I mean.


Mortgage companies are pretty forgiving when it comes to lending money to someone who's filed bankruptcy. In fact, after bankruptcy, it's actually easier to get a mortgage on a new home than get approved for an unsecured credit card.

As long as your middle FICO credit score is 580 or above you will qualify for mortgage financing with no money down...just maybe not at the interest rate and terms you want. (This assumes you haven't had a foreclosure in the last 24 months and you have a good payment history since your discharge.)

To get better terms and a lower interest rate, you need a higher middle credit score. A middle score of 600 will give you a lower interest rate and better terms. (This assumes you haven't had a foreclosure in the last 12 months.) A middle score of 620 or above opens up even better options once you have two years after discharge.


A FICO credit score over 700 on the credit reporting agency the manufacturer uses will open up the floodgates for you. A score between 600 and 620 seems to be the bare minimum you need to qualify with most lenders for a good interest rate. Slimy lenders (the kind that wear lots of gold chains, polyester suits, and broadcast a hairy chest to the world) will help you if you have a lower score.

Remember, many car dealers use only one FICO score to make their lending decisions. So, you're always better off going to a dealer who uses the credit reporting agency where you have your highest FICO score.


Some lenders just don't want to do business with a bankrupt person.

Interviewing lenders BEFORE you apply for credit is so important. You need to determine their credit guidelines before you apply. (Read that sentence again!) Many unsecured credit card providers are 100% FICO credit score-based. That's how they can offer you an answer so quickly if you apply by telephone or over the internet.

The only thing they look at to make their credit decision is one of your FICO scores. A FICO score over 700 seems to be what they're looking for.


Don't expect too much from your banker until four years have passed and your FICO scores are above 680. However, all bankers are different. Find out what the possibilities are with your banker. Do they have any authority to make credit decisions?

After my bankruptcy I felt lucky to have a bank checking account, savings account, debit card (now they're called Visa/MasterCard check cards), a secured Visa credit card, and a few secured bank loan.


You need to be on a constant hunt for higher credit limits. Even if you don't think you need them. It's good for your scores, especially when your spending patterns remain the same.

You "earn" a higher credit limit by paying your bills early or on time. Your next step is requesting a credit limit increase every six months. Credit limit increases are usually based on how long you've been a customer; your payment habits; how long from the last time your credit limit was increased; and your FICO scores.

Again, anything over 700 opens the floodgates of options from most lenders. One key point to remember, when YOU request a credit limit increase the credit inquiry lowers your credit scores. When your lender does it in their normal course of doing business it does NOT lower your credit scores.

If you ask for credit limit increases from banks or credit unions, (I repeat, only banks or credit unions) apply for them all within a 14-day window. All credit inquiries from these sources during the 14-day period will only count as one credit inquiry.

If there was a magic FICO score to aim for (and there really isn't) it would be 720. This score won't open all the credit doors for you...but it will certainly open enough doors at normal interest rates to accomplish your goals.

Stephen Snyder is the founder and president of the After Bankruptcy Foundation (, a non-profit organization that provides free resources for helping people recover from bankruptcy. Stephen also writes a free weekly newsletter on bankruptcy recovery ( Blog68956
Angele Blog94929

Establishing A Representative Office In China

Among foreign investors, the most popular form of business establishment in China is the Representative Office. Its main attraction is that it is simpler and cheaper to establish than either a Joint Venture of a Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise since no Registered Capital is required, startup costs are roughly 10% of the cost of establishing either of these. Representative Offices are also open to almost all industry sectors, including some sectors that are off-limits to Joint Ventures and Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises. Furthermore, the Chief Representative need not reside in China. However, Representative Offices are very limited in the activities that they may carry out.

Why do foreign companies establish Representative Offices in China?

1. To conduct preliminary research before deciding whether or not to make a direct investment in China.

2. To provide data and promotional materials to potential partners and/or clients.

3. To coordinate the activities of its parent company in China.

4. To make travel arrangements for representatives of its parent company or Chinese clients or potential clients.

5. A foreign company might already be doing business with China from overseas but lack the market penetration to justify a full-blown investment (some of these Representative Offices later upgrade to Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises, Cooperative Joint Ventures, and Equity Joint Ventures. Note that in certain industries such as insurance and finance there are sectors that require foreign investors to operate a Representative Office for at least 2 years before making a direct investment.

6. To hire local employees to help them find suppliers.

7. As a cheap and simple way of doing business in China by exceeding its legal scope of business. This is not a good idea because it is likely to get the company in trouble with the authorities.

8. To establish a presence in a business sector currently forbidden to direct foreign investment with a view to getting to know the market in anticipation that China will liberalize its regulations in the future in line with its WTO commitments.

Representative Offices are generally allowed to:

* lease office space and arrange for utilities
* purchase office supplies
* coordinate the issuance of work permits and visas for foreign employees
* open and maintain bank accounts in local currency and foreign exchange
* display office signs and distribute promotional materials
* hire local staff though labor service organizations (this requirement might be partially lifted if the draft Labor Contract Law goes into effect.

Taxation of Representative Offices

Although a Representative Office may not engage in profit-making activities and cannot receive income, it is still somehow subject to taxation under certain circumstances (usually on a deemed profit basis)

Two types of taxes are generally applicable to Representative Offices are Enterprise Income Tax and Business Tax. It may be subject to taxation, for example, when it acts as business liaison for a transaction that generates commissions. The Enterprise Income Tax rate applicable to Representative Offices is 33% (inclusive of a 3% local surcharge). Fortunately, however, the business activities of a Representative Office can be exempted under certain circumstances, although these exemptions vary from industry to industry.

Representative Offices are required to pay value added tax (VAT), consumption tax, and customs duties on any domestic purchases and/or imported equipment, as well as stamp duties (usually a negligible sum). The Representative Office need not pay property-related taxes for leased office space, so dont let your landlord convince you otherwise.

Legal Status of a Representative Office

A Representative Office is not considered an independent legal entity but rather an extension of its parent company. Accordingly, the parent company must bear all of the Representative Offices legal liabilities and debts. The foreign company should carefully safeguard the Representative Offices financial and corporate seals to ensure that they are not misused.

The authority of the Chief Representative is governed not by Chinese foreign investment law, but rather by the foreign parent companys jurisdiction of incorporation. However, the parent company is still subject to the jurisdiction of the local Chinese courts with respect to all contractual issues, including property rights.

Establishment Procedures

Only one Representative Office may be established in each Chinese city. Set-up is accomplished in 4 steps:

1. Pre-approval Procedure - The foreign parent company must first locate a Chinese sponsor to help it obtain the required approval and registration. This can usually be done with the help of the local Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) office, which will introduce the foreign parent company to a designated agent (a Foreign Enterprise Service Company, a/k/a FESCO) that is licensed by MOFCOM to handle foreign Representative Office applications. The sponsor will charge a fee of approximately US$800 - $1,000 for notifying the foreign company of upcoming deadlines and any problems with the application materials. The foreign company will also be required to enter into a lease for Grade A office space prior to approval, because a signed lease agreement is one of the prerequisites for approval of the Representative Office.

2. Application The Representative Office application and supporting documents should be submitted to the appropriate examination and approval authority. The examination and approval authority for a Representative Office will normally be MOFCOM, but foreign companies in certain industries such as banking, insurance, law, accounting and media will need to apply to the authority with jurisdiction over the foreign companys particular industry. If the application is approved, a Certificate of Approval will be issued by the examination and approval authority, usually for an extendable initial term of 3 years.

3. Registration Registration must be completed within 30 days after the certificate of approval is issued. An application (together with supporting documents; see this sites section on Documentation under Rep Offices for details) is submitted to the local branch of the State Administration of Industry & Commerce (SAIC). This process normally takes 1-2 months and concludes with the issuance of a Certificate of Registration (similar to a business license), which must be renewed annually. Any subsequent change must be registered with the local SAIC.

4. Post-Registration Procedures The new Representative Office is expected to register its location with the local Public Security Bureau (the police), make financial and corporate seals, open a foreign exchange bank account, register with the local and national tax bureaus, complete customs registration (in order to import office equipment and daily necessities for its staff), and register with a FESCO to recruit Chinese staff. The Chief Representative should apply for and receive a Residence Permit from the Public Security Bureau with jurisdiction over his/her residence (see this sites section on Foreign Staff under Labor for further detail)..

Only after completing the foregoing procedures may a Representative Office begin operations. Registration must precede even preliminary activities such as distributing business cards, establishing direct telecommunications lines, and obtaining a multiple entry visa or an apartment for the Chief Representative (the latter requires the Chief Representatives Residence Permit).

Closing Down a Representative Office This can be a lengthy process if it is not handled correctly. This is especially so if the office was not originally established entirely in accordance with Chinese foreign investment law but rather through back-door connections (a common occurrence among Chinas more experienced foreign investors). Chinas legal system is becoming more and more transparent and administrative bodies are increasingly actually enforcing the law, so its a good idea to do things the right way the first time. There are several steps required to close down an office dont just walk away, especially if you have (or think you might have) long-term plans in the China market.

First, various documents need to be prepared and provided to the relevant authorities. A cancellation form needs to be submitted to the Industrial & Commercial Bureau, and a detailed explanation needs to be provided as to why the office is closing. Application must also be made to the local Commission of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation (COFTEC). Both the Representative Office manager and the general manage of the parent company must sign the form. A separate application also needs to be made on parent company letterhead and stamped with its company seal. There must also be a board resolution that agrees to the closure of the office (a statement indicating that the office is to be closed signed by the chairman of the board of the parent company is sometimes accepted).

Further, the bank must provide a notice that confirms cancellation of the Representative Offices bank account. Tax payment certificates and receipts from national and local tax bureaus must also be furnished to the Representative Offices original examination and approval authority along with a brief statement about the settlement of debits and credits. The tax bureau will require the closure audit report to be approved by a certified public accounting firm. The corporate seal, financial seal, and the business license must be surrendered to the Industrial & Commercial Bureau. If all the necessary documents are provided and taxes have been paid, the closure procedure should take roughly 2 weeks.

David Carnes is licensed to practice law in California. He speaks and reads Mandarin Chinese and has several years experience working with Chinese law firms and Sino-American joint ventures. Check out his website, China Legal Bulletin, at Blog90758
Bobette Blog61217

VPN Explained - The Basics Of VPN Simplified

The question of exactly how to explain or define a VPN is one that is often up for discussion amongst today's network consumers and communications providers. If we look at the literal definition of the words virtual private network, it can help to understand what is, and what is not, a VPN .

Using Webster's dictionary definitions of the component words, a VPN should have the following attributes:

Virtual - defined as "being such practically or in effect, although not in actual fact or name." Therefore, the first part of the answer to our question "what is a VPN" is that it is something that acts like a hard-wired network, but is actually not.

Private - defined as "of, belonging to, or concerning a particular person or group; not common or general." So, a VPN should be one where the consumer has exclusive use of the network links. (Note, this is different from a Secure Network, which may be a private or public network.)

Network - defined as "a system of computers interconnected by telephone wires or other means in order to share information." This is the goal of a VPN or any other type of network.

VPN explained in this manner is a network technology which gives the owner the ability to share information with others on the network by means of a private, exclusive link that is created by a method other than hard-wires or leased lines; usually via the internet. Before the internet, computers in different offices, cities or even countries could only talk to each other like people could - through telephone wires. As the needs for this type of communication grew, telephone lines became replaced by higher volume wires, like T3 circuits, but the concept was the same. For computer A to talk to computer B, there had to be a physical wire connection. For security reasons, you would want to make sure that only your 2 computers used that line, so you would contract with a vendor to "lease" that circuit. However, this type of network was expensive and difficult to expand, not to mention difficult for the client to have control over.

With the advent of the internet, connections no longer needed to be physical. As long as each computer has access to the internet, information can be shared using local ISP circuits, across the internet, and to the recipient in much the same way that it was when the computers were physically connected. This is why the way VPN works is considered a "virtual" network; the entire connection is not hard-wired.

The aspects of VPN explained in this article so far have not yet discussed an ever present concern in today's world - security. In an old WAN arrangement, the security of data transmission could rely entirely on the provider's guarantees. Today, however, a VPN keeps information private by means of encryption on both the sending and receiving end. There are a variety of encryption protocols, depending on what a company's needs are, who they need to communicate with (and therefore be compatible with), etc. The data is not only encrypted, but it is encapsulated, meaning it is sent in its own private "tunnel" or connection across the internet. No one can see the data, and even if they could, they can't decipher or change it. In this way, information can be sent across the internet without being susceptible to interception or corruption by those who are outside of the VPN.

In order to create a virtual private network, you would need to decide who needs to share information, in what directions, and how often. Next you would need to prepare a listing of the hardware and software systems you are currently using at each location. You might very well need to make changes so that the computers can talk to each other easily. You'll also want to consider just how important it is that your data remains secure, as this will have an impact on what type of protocol you select. Preparing this information will have you educated for the discussions you will need to have with potential vendors.

Van Theodorou will help you slash your telecom expenses over 43% and assist or even become your telecom department at no cost to you. For a free analysis or phone consultation go his site at http://www.worldnet-long-distance.comAlie Blog17127
Aubrette Blog78131

Make Your Business Travel Easier With Better Technology

At one point not long ago travel time was considered dead time to the businessperson. Dead time while waiting on flights, on the plane and, worse, dead time in the hotel was, in general, considered to be wasted time. Thats not so today.

With the advent of WIFI in airports and hotels, travel time does not need to be a waste. We no longer even consider packing the laptop into the luggage. Rather, we carry it on the plane with us and use it during travel.

Most airports have now added the ability to hook into their broadband networks with an Ethernet cord. Better still, you can just boot up with a wireless card and youre good to go. For a list of airports in the United States and Europe that offer free Internet hotspots check out this web site:

This also goes for hotels and motels. Just boot up your computer and youre back in the office. Some hotels offer high-speed Internet at an additional cost. But its usually packaged with long distance service or unlimited calling. Others offer the Internet connection free. Usually, all you need to do is supply your name and, in some cases, a room number, to connect. Other hotels may offer wireless service only in rooms within range of its network.

Even laptops not equipped with wireless cards can access the wireless Internet service at some hotels because guests can check out equipment at the desk. For wired connections, a cable may be supplied in the room. If you feel limited, as a lot of us do when tied to the wall with the Ethernet cable, consider adding a compact router to your briefcase. Several are now available for under $100 and their range is actually comparable to the full size router.

OK, so now you know how easy it is to connect. But what about the equipment? For seamless travel, most of us know that a laptop and a cell phone are essential lifelines for the business traveler, but what other technology and new equipment is available to the travelling businessperson?

Packing all of the pieces and toting them can be a hassle, to be sure. The luggage industry has finally realized this and has risen to the occasion. Today, more than ever, we are seeing compact bags that will pack the multitude of cords, wires and chargers needed for business travel.

It seems that the old heavy bags are a thing of the past and travelers now rely more on the backpack style to travel. They pack equipment that weighs several times more than their body size. The only real care to take is to make sure that the wireless card is safely stored in a pocket of the backpack - not in the computer, And for sanitys sake, a lesson learned the hard way, pack an extra.

Whether you opt for the briefcase version or the easier-to-tote backpack, style and room is not going to be sacrificed. Both the traditional briefcase and the backpack are now roomier and well padded for the office essentials. Both styles come with and without wheels. The choice is the travelers, and there is a multitude of ways to go.

When it comes to business travel, pack the right tools and you wont even know that you are out of the office. Advances in technology have made business travel easier than ever.

Rick Abbott is an experienced business traveler, part time author, and consultant in the IT field. For more road warrior articles and tips, go to If you are a writer and like writing articles about business travel, submit your articles to where other business travelers can read them online. Cacilie Blog68589
Brigid Blog33096

5 Tips For Grocery Shopping With A Toddler

Doing any kind of grocery shopping with a toddler can be a real challenge. But, with a little preparation and a lot of patience, it can be an enjoyable and entertaining experience. Here are some tips and tricks that work for our family.

1. Bring snacks! This is probably the number one most important thing to remember. A hungry toddler is a cranky toddler, and they get hungry often. I usually bring a plastic zipper bag full of her favorite dry cereal and a sippy cup of water. This will quite often keep her happy for most of the trip through the store.

2. If he gets restless sitting in the cart, let him down to move around for a little while. If you can bring along another adult or an older child to chase him around while you get the shopping done, by all means do so. Sometimes toddlers just need to burn off some energy.

3. Let her help! My girl loves to throw items into the basket. Of course, she will sometimes grab random things off the shelf and throw them in, but I just pull them back out when shes not looking. This leads in to tip number four:

4. Let him shop! Allow him to pick an item off the shelf and carry it around the store with you. (Just make sure it isnt breakable!) If its something you dont want to buy, odds are hell lose interest in it long before you reach the checkout, whereupon you can either put it back on the shelf or hand it to the cashier apologetically.

5. And finally, be careful what you offer as a means of distraction! One mom I know had a cherry slush hurled at her in the store by a grumpy toddler. The less potential for a mess there is, the better.

Shopping with little ones doesnt always have to be stressful. Believe it or not, it can even be fun!

Teresa Kolvek and her husband, Tony, are the proud parents of a beautiful and spirited toddler named Amelia. Visit Teresas website at for great information, tips, and recipes for toddlers.Annecorinne Blog93910
Aubree Blog26554

Cold Calling Intel

The statistic quoted loudly by those who do not know how to cold call is this, "An industry rule of thumb holds that only about 2% of cold calls produce solid prospects." That has been the industry stat since the early 1950's and means any idiot can pick up the phone, call prospects, and expect to find that 2% of the people on the cold calling list to turn into solid prospects.

Successful sales pros know cold calling is a great way to build and add to a client base out of thin air.

The tremendous advantage of cold calling is this: No other marketing method allows sales professionals to reach as many prospects in as short a period of time.

Before your colleagues tries to lull you into believing, the 2% figure only proves that cold calling is a tactic with a low return on time spent, stop and do some focused thinking about the importance and value of cold calling metrics.

Fact is a 2% return is the very place where every expert cold callers start. 2% is the test number sellers know they can hit if they get up in the morning and make calls. These experts want great results; and make all sorts of adjustments that allow them to beat 2% in geometric proportions. How do they do this? By ruthless examination of additional metrics that have meaning to outrageously successful cold callers. Such as:

1. Percentage of appointments scheduled out of every 10 calls made.

2. Percentage of callbacks from voice mail messages

3. Percentage of appointment scheduled with callbacks from voice mail

4. Average number of calls made to each prospect to schedule an appointment

5. Differences in numbers of appointments scheduled with changes made in words spoken

The good news is your industry colleagues watch just one of these five important cold calling business metrics.

The bad news is you very well may be like most sellers who cold call and:

1. Settle for only one of five important cold calling metrics

2. Fail to leverage even that one metric into a higher response rate

3. Fail to capitalize on cold calling as a significant part of their sales strategy

You have got to ask yourself, are you going to be among the masses who settle for what's been the norm for half-a-century? Or are you going to join the ranks of the elite sellers who examine their Cold Calling Intel to leverage the power and profit awaiting the serious student of cold calling? The answer to these important questions can dramatically change the results of your cold calls.

For your mini-course Jealously Guarded Secrets to Cold Calling Company Presidents visit ! Or call Cold Calling Expert, Lead New Business Development Coach, Leslie Buterin (like butterin bread) at (816) 554-3674 9-3 CST (thats Kansas City/Chicago Time) Find much more on our Blog8733
Betty Blog99509

Scam Alert II: Domain Hijacking

There's a frightening new batch of scams going around now that can damage your reputation as domain "squatters" steal your domain name.

There are a number of ways the "game" is played. The first is entirely legal, if more than a little questionable. In this version, the name of a city or geographic area is grabbed by a domain squatter and pointed to... "sites that you wouldn't want your children visiting."

(We chose that term to avoid getting caught in a lot of spam filters for the use of the word "p-o-rn.")

A prominent notice is placed on the sites, offering them for sale at prices that range from $2500 to as much as $500,000!

The idea here is that city officials will feel that enough damage is being done to the reputations of their towns that they'll pay to keep them from being associated with that type of material.

It's obviously safe to say that it's not appropriate to pop those kinds of images into people's faces while they're looking for info on a completely different topic.

That's where the pressure on the cities comes from, and why this is such a disgusting scheme.

In essence, the domain squatter says: "Pay us, or continue to watch as your city's reputation suffers."

Many would call this blackmail...


The second variation on the theme is not always legal. When someone takes a trademarked name (or variation of the spelling of one) or a famous person's name, and does the same thing.

For trademarks or close variations, there's a specific procedure for addressing the problem. (See the resource section at the end of this issue.)

For the names of famous people, there MAY be a remedy. But, it can be tricky -- and expensive.

For example, if someone named John Jones registered and pointed it to one of "those" sites, Walter Cronkite could probably force the domain away from him.

However, if someone named Steve Cronkite registered and did the same thing, Walter Cronkite would have no recourse. It would be very hard to demonstrate that Steve registered the domain in bad faith. And if Steve's son's name is Walter, the same is true for

If you feel that your name is likely to be typed into a browser when people are looking for information on you, you should consider getting both the .com and .net versions of the domain if they're available.

It will cost you a few bucks to prevent the problem. Fixing it, assuming you win, will cost you hundreds -- if not thousands -- of dollars.

And there's no guarantee you'll win.


A third version is a bit more benign. It's common among members of affiliate programs.

In this version names very close to, or even including, the trademark are registered. The sites are created to drive traffic to the affiliates' URL at the main site.

This may or may not be acceptable to the affiliate program owner. If it is, it's a good technique for getting traffic. If not, it could get you into hot water. Check with the owner of the trademark before doing this.

Less benign is an alternative version of this technique where someone grabs domain names that are close to the trademark of a competitor and uses them to grab competitor type-in traffic. This is often done by finding out the most common misspellings of the real domain name or trademark.

Watch for people doing this with your domain.


Here's the worst version of this -- and it can hit anyone if they have enough traffic and don't pay close attention to when their domain registrations expire.

In this situation, someone grabs expired domain names and points them to "those" kinds of sites. This is a "no lose" for the hijacker, as they will profit from the traffic even if the previous owner doesn't pay the requested ransom for the domain.

The more traffic the URL gets, the greater the clickthrough value to the hijacker. This means more potential damage to the original owner -- and a higher ransom to get it back.

In effect, your own popularity is your worst enemy in this case.

The solution to this one is simple -- and very important: Don't let your domain names expire!

Useful Resources:
If you find yourself a victim of domain hijacking, there is hope for correcting the problem.

For a more formal explanation of the legal aspects of this problem, visit

For specific information on the UDRP (Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy), the procedure for taking domain names that are being used in violation of a trademark, see

For information on taking action under the Anti-Cybersquatting Act (A US law that provides for damages in addition to the less severe penalties of the UDRP) see

If you have a famous name or trademark, the best defense is to make sure that you register the main variations in both the .com and .net form. The .org is probably only necessary if you are heavily involved with charitable activities.

Protect yourself. Scammers come up with new schemes all the time...

So, keep your eyes open.

Douglas Miller is a retired fire service captain, now making a living working from home. His company Hundred-Fold-Life is not just a name but also a belief. To learn how to find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit: http://www.clixgo.comAli Blog65064
Benita Blog50470

Why Distance Learning Degrees - 3 good reasons

Why distance learning degrees?

Actually, there are two questions there, each with an answer, each with three good reasons.

First, why distance learning?

The fact is,in many ways, distance education is far better than physical attendance at university or college, for several reasons.

The first is convenience: with distance learning degrees, you get to pick when you study. That's a lot more adaptable to your business life than having to attend a lecture every Wednesday at 10 a.m. when you might find it difficult to get time off work. And if you happen to be a night owl or early bird, it's perfect.

In the longer term, you can also spread your study out over several years, if you need to. There's no need to complete distance learning degrees in three or four years. In fact, many people take six to eight years to do so, and not always consecutive years

Secondly, there's a minimum of physical attendance required.

So with little or no travel involved, you get more time to study.

Thirdly, you get to choose which college or university you get your degree from. If you live in a small town with no further education facilities, that's a big advantage.

But even if you live in a city and are spoiled for universities and colleges, what if none of them offer the exact course that you want? Distance learning courses solve that problem easily.

And e-learning takes distance learning to a whole new level of convenience, if only in locating distance learning degrees in many more colleges and universities than was possible when you had to apply by post for details of their courses.

But why a degree? (the second of the two questions!)

For three reasons. Firstly, it's the ultimate badge. You stop being someone people just admire because you certainly seem to know a lot about your subject, and you become someone with a degree in that subject. An Authority. It's the equivalent of an Olympic medal, and no one can ever take it away from you.

People with degrees command respect, even from fellow degree-holders. That applies no matter what the subject.

And that respect increases further if you can say you have a Master's level degree.

Secondly, a degree is not only mandatory for some vocations such as medicine or the legal professions, it's becoming more and more essential for other callings, too, such as Computing. As certain professional niches (for example, I.T., Training, and Human Resources in the last fifteen years) mature, so does the requirement to show that you have a related degree in order to enter them.

Thirdly, attaining a degree says something about you.

It says you're disciplined, organized, can set and meet targets, that you know how to research, that you think beyond the here-and-now.

To prospective employers, that means you'll be a huge asset.

If they have the choice between a job candidate with a degree and a candidate without, and all other factors are equal, who do you think they'll pick?

Roger White helps you get clear about the hows, wheres, and whys of learning. For more details about distance learning degrees, go to now!Brunhilde Blog17454
Caterina Blog52771

What You Need To Know About SEO: Basic Facts

Exposure could mean a lot for different firms, organizations or groups seeking a wider venue to make their views heard, accepted, and patronized. The main term used for this web-positioning method is the seo, or the Search Engine Optimization.


What exactly is Search Engine Optimization?

The Internet age has spawned a phenomenon of new terms, new jobs, and new career paths. The growth of the Worldwide Web is creating a new realm, where new types of internet-savvy folks engage in careers that require the skills of an intrepid explorer, searching for new worlds to discover. Among these new tasks are those that require the faster, more strategic placement or positioning of company adverts, documents, products or issues, in order for these entities to have the most maximum level of exposure in the web.

Exposure could mean a lot for different firms, organizations or groups seeking a wider venue to make their views heard, accepted, and patronized. The main term used for this web-positioning method is the seo, or the Search Engine Optimization.

Search Engine Optimization is the terminology used to define, or describe the action of gaining a better position within a search engine or internet directory system based upon a selected key word or a group of key words. With well over 4 billion documents already on the internet, the prominent search engines are all flaunting that they can locate most of them and show you a link from within their systems, and each of the search engines or directory providers have different guidelines by which a listing within their system is accomplished.

* Achieving Maximum exposure

As web-updated consumers, we are constantly on the lookout for sites that address our specific interests, goals, or products at a specified time and day. Most of us do not always know the URL (Universal Resource Locator) for all the types of businesses that can fulfill that interest, so we use a search engine or directory service to find them for us.

For example, I plan to go out and take my girlfriend with me to a bar, but I havent got an idea of which place to go to that I havent already been to yet. The next most probable step for me would be to go to a search engine and type in something like: bars and restaurants pasadena ca"; I put in the quotation marks to make the search more specific, to get me closer to what I am looking for. The phrase I wrote, "bars and restaurants pasadena ca" will be used represent my main key word phrase.

Once I write those key words, I am, hopefully, going to get back a list of the restaurants within the greater Pasadena area, and I indeed got well over 500 or so choices too. What makes it more helpful is that I could find those assorted choices in the local phonebook listings. However, if I wish to make my list of choices much shorter, I would type in, or enter a new search maybe like: "jazz bar pasadena ca.

Once the search engine has done its job, then I probably will get a shorter list with these new, more precise characteristics. However, the list created will be made in an order that is determined by the search engine. The first one may or may not be starting with the letter A or a number like the one on the phone directory.

From the bar and restaurant viewpoint, if they could be in the top 10 or 20 and get a lot of hits or visits by web users, they will have a chance of being seen by the searcher. This is what Search Engine Optimization is all about: gaining a position as close to #1 as possible and then staying there on top, and to achieve maximum exposure.

* Its all about location

For those who own businesses, then the primary name of the game is profits. Revenue of course, comes from people who spend their incomes with you. The more people spend their money with you, the richer and more successful you become.

In todays business environment, it is all about LOCATION, and the next important word that comes is ADVERTISE.

The way the worldwide web works is the same as in the world of advertising or the directories: Its about location in the search engines and directory systems, and advertising. If your listing is something less than the top 100, you stand an excellent chance of never being seen, or viewed. Most people are notoriously impatient, and they do not wish to wade through tons of listings. This simply means that you really need to be near, or on the top of the lists for the key words that you feel your prospective customers are, or will be using to find you.

* How Search Engine Optimizers Do This

Improving your position on the web could be done through a wide variety of methods. An easy way for this is to hire a professional Search Engine Optimization firm that can do the job for you. You could check their fees and price ranges on the web or the phone book. The process is definitely a labor-intensive one, and definitely doesnt come cheap.

But anyway, you too can do it yourself. All you need to do is to get the rules for listing within each of the engines and directory systems where you wish to be listed, the register with them. If they allow you to point to secondary pages that also discuss specific topics, then be sure to do that by pointing to the pages within your site that cover that topic. You may also need to check on your position every month within each of the engines and directories to see how you are stacking up, and sometimes you may need to modify your site to improve your position, as well as your exposure.

Vanessa Arellano DoctorCarmen Blog62201
Alisa Blog22877

General Tips for Photographing Scenery

Do the following words sound familiar? Wow, that should be a great photoI hope it turns out well! Here are a few tips to help ensure that your photos will indeed turn out well.

Are you taking your camera with you on a vacation? Perhaps a trip destined to have memories captured at the beautiful destinations you have in mind? Any traveler has an irresistible urge to photograph beautiful outdoor scenery while on a vacation or trip. Their camera is close by them, ready for the next fleeting moment of passing, natural beauty. Photographing scenery, the memorable places they have been, can produce a nice travelogue at the end of their journey.

Beware the unfavorable conditions that can plague their scenic photographs, and hamper their endeavors! Rainy, cloudy days, sunrises and sunsets can catch the digital photographer off guard and disappoint his anticipated results.

New digital camera models are now available with exposure correction, making it possible to bracket these particular photographic scenery shots. Try taking full advantage of this feature. Since digital images are immediately available for proofing, any failed shots can be deleted.

A scenic photographer may have to race against time for a good photo at sunrise or sunset. These lighting changes can cause any subject or aspects of the scenery appear drastically different. The photographer should also be aware of the color changes caused by the sunlight throughout the day. Notice the predominance of red light when the sun is close to the horizon at sunrise and sunset. If your camera has the auto-white balance feature, it will help to give a natural color reproduction, however, when there is little light, it gives a reddish result. At these times you should use your built in flash. Anticipating changes in the conditions of natural light is very important. Keeping this in mind will benefit the photographers endeavors.

There will most often be occasions when the photographer will photograph scenery through a car window, train window, hotel or any other situation looking through a window. As a disappointing result, the camera has focused on the window glass, leaving the beautiful scenery blurred and all the captivating scenic details with it. This focusing problem can be rectified by getting the camera as close to the glass as possible and shielding the camera with your hand, black paper, clothing or whatever is on hand, eliminating any reflections.

Tom Watson is the owner of In Digital Photography, a website offering tips and advice on digital photography. You can visit his Digital Photography website at Blog1278
Allx Blog36175

What Is an ActiveX Control And How Is It Related With The Registry ?

ActiveX is a technology that was developed by Microsoft to enhance the display of images, video and animation in their browsers. ActiveX components are a set of rules that guide the browser to display hi-resolution images and streaming video properly.

It should suffice to say that ActiveX is a technology that was developed to bring the power of Object Linking and Embedding or OLE as it is popularly known, to empower web browsers and particularly Internet Explorer, to display such objects. When web pages with embedded ActiveX components are downloaded, the corresponding controls are also downloaded and automatically launched by the operating system of the computer. This can, over some time, clutter up the registry with unwanted data and controls, thus slowing down the system drastically. This will mean having to clean up the registry with a registry cleaner periodically. ActiveX controls are actually used by windows to display very rich interfacing activity such as animation, video images, virtual reality that used 3D technology, high resolution images and the like.

ActiveX Prompts For Registry Cleaners

When downloaded into your computer, an ActiveX control is actually packaged as an .OCX file. There are cases when more .OCX files are downloaded and needed for a web page. The .OCX files like ActiveX controls need to be registered on your system before they can be used. Registering means that a program capable of doing this, queries the ActiveX control and saves specific information about it into Windows Registry, so that the operating system can find it and therefore be able to use the ActiveX control. However, one must keep in mind the importance or cleaning up the registry periodically. The Internet has the best registry cleaners available free. So, make use of them to keep your system running smoothly.

Pro's and Con's Of ActiveX Controls

It is important to understand that with all the 'pros' of ActiveX technology also come a few 'cons' as well. ActiveX is a very powerful tool and is sometimes used by individuals, with a flair for the technology, to create ActiveX controls with malicious intentions. These 'corrupt' ActiveX controls can wreck havoc on your system and leave you helpless for no fault of yours. After all, you know that ActiveX is supposed to help your system run some programs, right. So why not download an ActiveX control when you are prompted to do so? It is for this reason that Microsoft has developed the ActiveX security system.

In Windows XP operating system, this security system is embedded in the Internet Explorer. The registry of the system automatically blocks the download and installation of any ActiveX component in the Registry of the computer. Apart from this is an ActiveX component has to be installed the computer will prompt the user to check for the signature of the component. If the ActiveX component is registered with Microsoft the ActiveX is verified as authorized and is allowed to be installed in the registry of the computer. If the ActiveX component is not verified the systems offers the user a choice of not installing the ActiveX control.

Some Advise For Internet Explorer Users

If you are using Internet Explorer you should ensure that you are using a security level set to Medium or above in Internet Explorer. You can do this by going to tools in IE and select 'internet options' then click on 'security' and slide the level to medium or higher. Now, after reading about the entire automatic downloads of controls and stuff, it makes sense to download a free window registry cleaner and use it periodically to clean the registry of your system. There are enhanced registry XP cleaners to clean the complex registry of Windows XP as well.

Arvind Singh is admin and technical expert associated with development of computer security and performance enhancing software like Registry Cleaner, Window Cleaner, Anti Spam Filter etc. More information can be found at http://www.pcmantra.comCelene Blog64052
Alis Blog85344

Leaders Handle Performance Problems

"Our chief want in life is somebody who can make us do what we can." Ralph Waldo Emerson

A water bearer in India had two pots attached to each end of a pole. He would sling the pole over his shoulders to carry water from the stream to his house every day. One of the pots was cracked and leaked water. The other one was perfect. One day the cracked pot spoke to the water bearer about its shame and apologized for dripping water while the other pot never lost a drop. The water bearer replied to the pot, "Yes, you are cracked and do not carry water as well your brother pot. But you have an ability that he does not have. Did you notice there were flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side? That's because I have always known about your flaw and took advantage of it. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path and every day while we walk back from the stream you have watered them."

Strong leaders know that we're all cracked pots. Perfect people are in very short supply! In fact, that may be just as well: As Abraham Lincoln once said, "It has been my experience that men who have no vices have very few virtues."

Such human traits can, however, cause problems, especially in the workplace. And when performance problems arise, they need to be confronted. Like porcupines in love, such discussions are painful for both parties. That's often why managers avoid them. Leaders, however, know that poor performance is like a highly contagious disease. The longer it goes unchecked, the more everyone suffers. As Publius Syrus said, "He harms the good who spares the bad." Here is what some of today's experts have to say about the subject:

Keeping poor performers means that development opportunities for promising employees get blocked, so those subordinates don't get developed, productivity and morale fall, good performers leave the company, the company attracts fewer 'A' players, and the whole miserable cycle keeps turning Refusing to deal with underperformers not only makes your best employees unhappy, but it also makes them think the company is run by bozos Successful companies deal with underperformers systematically, every day; unsuccessful companies don't. - Geoffrey Colvin, "Make Sure You Chop the Dead Wood," Fortune

I feel there is no greater disrespect you can do to a person than to let them hang out in a job where they are not respected by their peers, not viewed as successful, and probably losing their self-esteem. To do that under the guise of respect for people is, to me, ridiculous. - Debra Dunn, senior executive Hewlett-Packard

Easing someone's path does not mean simply providing the path of least resistance. Sometimes the best way to help people is to hold them responsible; accepting no excuses can sometimes be the best kind of aid we can offer. - William Bennett, The Moral Compass

In The Contrarian's Guide to Leadership, Steven B. Sample, President of the University Of Southern California explains that leaders sometimes need to adopt a hands-on approach to inspire their teams:

If a would-be leader wants glamour, he should try acting in the movies. However, if he in fact wants to make a consequential impact on a cause or an organization, he needs to roll up his sleeves and be prepared to perform a series of grungy chores which are putatively beneath him, and for which he'll never receive recognition or credit, but by virtue of which his lieutenants will be inspired and enabled to achieve great things.

So much of what a manager does makes it difficult for people to get their work done. "I am from head office and I am here to help you" sends the snicker meter over the red line in many organizations. Too often managers have made it harder for people on the frontlines to get their job done. Strong coaches start by building agreement or buy-in to roles and goals. Then they flip things around and serve their teams and organizations.

At a technical services company a manager declared a series of "junk days" for the technicians in the field. He pulled together a group of internal and external suppliers of the equipment the technicians were using and took them out on tour. He invited technicians to attend the meeting in a local hotel room and bring out all their defective equipment along with their work-around strategies. The internal and external suppliers were told that they were there only to listen and learn. They were not to rationalize, defend, excuse, or explain. They were to speak only with questions for clarity. As the tour moved from city to city, the manager and the suppliers kept careful notes on the trends emerging and the many innovative solutions they encountered. At the end of the tour, decisions were made, new prototypes developed, and procedures changed. They then went back out on tour to get reactions and make further modifications. The result was a surge in morale, productivity, and effectiveness of the technicians.

Barbara Blog55330
Aida Blog63178

Objections To A Single-Payer Plan In America

1) The government can't run anything. I don't trust the government.

The current gang in Washington may be a good reason not to trust the government to do ANYTHING right.

However, Medicare and Social Security are good examples of systems that run well and on time. People receive their checks the same time every month and health care is provided: on time.

2) I'm a free market person and don't want any part of "socialized medicine."

Single Payer Insurance is defined as a single government fund with each state which pays hospitals, physicians and other health care providers, thus replacing the current multi-payer system of private insurance companies.

It would provide coverage for the fifty million people who are uninsured.

It would eliminate the financial threat and impaired access to care for tens of millions who do not have coverage and are unable to afford the out-of-pocket expenses because of deficiencies in their insurance plans.

It would return to the patient free choice of health care provider and hospitals, not the choice that only the restrictive health plans allow.

It would relieve businesses of the administrative hassle and expense of maintaining a health benefits program.

It would remove from the health care equation the middleman-the managed care industry-that has broken the traditional doctor-patient relationship, while diverting outrageous amounts of patient care dollars to their own coffers.

It would control health care inflation through constructive mechanisms of cost containment that improve allocation of our health care resources, rather than controlling costs through an impersonal business ethic that robs patients of care so as to increase profits for the privileged few. Single Payer Universal Health Care would provide access to high quality care for everyone at affordable prices.

3) Canadians have long waiting periods and come to the U.S. for their health care needs. Therefore, such a plan would make for waiting periods in the U.S.

First of all, ask almost any Canadian if they would trade our system for theirs. The answer is a resounding "NO."

They may have to wait for elective surgeries, for instance, but we have to wait for these kinds of surgeries, as well.

Canadians have the option to buy extra coverage to get heroic measures covered, say in the case of Cancer treatment.

At 9% of their GDP, they are spending much less than we are as a nation. We, the wealthiest nation on earth, spend 14 % of our GDP.

4) Our country cannot afford to insure everyone.

Our country already has enough funds dedicated to health care to provide the highest quality of care for everyone. Studies have shown that under a single payer system, comprehensive care can be provided for everyone without spending any more funds than are now being spent.

Not only do we have more than sufficient funds, we are also a nation that is infamous for our excess health care capacity. Typical of these excesses is the fact that there are more MRI scanners in Orange County, CA than in all of Canada.

With our generous funding and the tremendous capacity of our health care delivery system, the delays would not be a significant limiting factor in the U.S.

5) Americans do not want "Socialized Medicine."

Socialized medicine is a system in which the government owns the facilities, and the providers of care are government employees.

In sharp contrast, a single payer system uses the existing private and public sector health care delivery systems, preserving private ownership and employment. The unique feature of a single payer system is that all health care risks are placed in a universal risk pool, covering everyone. The pool is funded in a fair and equitable manner so that everyone pays their fair share in taxes, unlike our current defective system in which some pay far too much while others are not paying their share. The funds are allocated through a publicly administered program resulting in optimum use of our health care dollars.

A single payer system has no more in common with socialized medicine than our current Medicare program.

Socialism is a dirty word in this country. Universal health care for all has been equated with socialism, and much propaganda has been communicated by the press, by right wing politicians, by medical groups such as the AMA or anyone else who has an agenda to keep the 1500 plus health insurance companies a thriving market with profits that undoubtedly help to pay for their agendas.

6) A Universal Single-Payer would lower the standard of care to a level of mediocrity for everyone, preventing the affluent from exercising his or her option to obtain the highest level of care.

Our current system is characterized by essentially two alternatives: either no insurance with severely impaired access to even a mediocre level of care, or being insured by a managed care industry that has whittled down what is available until mediocrity has become the standard of care. Only the relatively affluent have access to unlimited care.

The generous level of funds that we have already dedicated to health care, adding to this a more efficient administration with an exclusive mission of optimum patient care well above the mediocrity that we now have, lays the foundation for a universal health care system in America.

A single payer system does not preclude the affluent from paying, outside the system, for a penthouse suite in the hospital, or for cosmetic surgery or for any other service that would not be part of a publicly funded program.

But if Americans knew the truth, and would turn off their TVs and use that time instead to change this country, using the power of grassroots politics, to make a single payer universal system a reality for all, then we would finally have the best health care system in the world.

Any group with the passion to change the world, one issue at a time, with a loving intent, can do it.

Kate Loving Shenk is a writer, healer, musician and the creator of the e-book called "Transform Your Nursing Career and Discover Your Calling and Destiny." Click here to find out how to order the e-book: Check Out Kate's Blog: http://www.nursehealers.typepad.comAdelice Blog94017
Arlene Blog12923

Student Loan Borrowers Save More with NextStudents Consolidation Program

Student borrowers who may have missed the July 1 deadline to consolidate their student loans before the interest rate increase need to know they still can consolidate at low rates especially if students are in their grace period. NextStudent, the Phoenix-based premier education funding company, advises students with federal Stafford loans issued prior to July 1 to consolidate today and automatically receive a .6 percent reduction on already low rates.

Federal student loan consolidation bundles together all of a student borrowers loans into one easy, manageable monthly payment. Savings over the long term can add up to thousands. NextStudents benefits and incentives bring down interest rates even more. In addition, with federal student loan consolidation there are no charges, fees or prepayment penalties.

Lower Rates in Grace Period

For student borrowers who had student loans prior to July 1, 2006, the initial interest rate on loan consolidation with a .6 percent rate reduction while in grace period is 6.625 percent, as opposed to the new repayment rate of 7.25 percent on student loans. The 6.625 percent rate can be reduced with NextStudents aggressive incentives:

An interest rate reduction of .25 percent for student borrowers when they sign up with Auto Debit and have their payments deducted automatically

An added interest rate reduction of 1 percent that is locked for the life of the loan following the first 36 consecutive on-time payments, OR an interest rate reduction of 2 percent following 48 consecutive on-time payments

Its Easy to Apply for Consolidation

By bundling together all of a students loans and extending the repayment period, borrowers save time and money over the long term. Depending on a borrowers balance repayment can be extended as long as 30 years. In addition, NextStudent offers the advantage of various options on repayment, including graduated repayment and income-sensitive repayment. There also are deferment and forbearance options available.

As consolidation rates are much lower than current student loan rates, now is the perfect time to consolidate and save money. Applying for NextStudents federal Student Loan Consolidation program does not take much time and easily is done online. NextStudents application is hassle-free and can be completed in four easy steps with Electronic Signature. There is no need for a co-signer and there are no credit checks. Student borrowers do not even need to know the details of their current student loan portfolio.

Now is the perfect time for student borrowers who missed the deadline to consolidate the student loans they had prior to July 1, 2006. By consolidating before the end of the grace period student borrowers can receive a low interest rate and sign up with NextStudent for other aggressive incentives to help them save even more over the long term. Student loan consolidation can rid borrowers of too many unwanted monthly bills and help make life easier and less expensive.

NextStudent believes that getting an education is the best investment you can make, and it is dedicated to helping you pursue your education dreams by making college funding as easy as possible. Learn more about Student Loans at

Jeff Mictabor is an enthusiast on the topic of student loan issues in the news. He has been writing for the past 10 years for a variety of education publications. He now offers his writing services on a freelance basis.Adora Blog57881
Cass Blog70637

First Hunt in Africa

First Hunt in Africa

A hunting adventure to Africa may be your lifelong dream and yet... you may be unsure about the journey and whether it will be worth it in every sense.

It is a fact though: most people, who have experienced an African hunt or sightseeing trip once, do it again and again. The diverse natural beauty and the abundance of wildlife on the continent, makes it such a paradise for the animals and thus for any visitor.

For hunters and adventure travelers, South Africa and Namibia are very famous destinations in Africa. This is due to the fact that these countries have enjoyed and continue to enjoy relatively stable political environments. South Africa and Namibia encourage tourism. Thus they have become the ultimate destinations for individuals and families from the world over seeking an African experience.

The planning and booking for a first adventure or hunt to Africa may at first seem daunting, a little intimidating, and even a little scary. However, resources abound to help you plan your adventure right down to the most minor detail. So, the Africa you thought was "too far away, too dangerous, too wild, too primitive" disappears, and your trip becomes one to remember for a lifetime.

Regardless of your age, such an adventure will provide you and your loved ones with a shared experience that will give you fond memories for years to come. This may be the best investment in your relationship ever.

Namibia in Africa is a country of contrasts. Situated just north of South Africa, it covers 318, 259 sq mi with a population density of only 6 people per sq mi. Here you will find the Namib Desert and the breathtaking Atlantic coastline in the west, the great pan of Etosha and the vast rivers of the Caprivi Strip in the north, the mountainous central highlands, the flat plains and deep canyons of the south and the great Kalahari Desert in the east.

The Kalahari can be described as the largest continuous stretch of sand in the world. This region became more widely known because of the famous television show "Meerkat Manor" on Animal Planet. Every animal species in the Kalahari does indeed entertain its visitors with its interesting features and fascinating ways it has adapted to survive in this unique region of Africa.

Hunting in or visiting the Kalahari will enrich your life in many different ways. It may be the best place to start exploring Africa since it will bring you in contact with African-nature itself. The people and animals of the Kalahari have learned to be at peace with their environment and circumstances, which may vary from extreme droughts to times of abundance.

These facts about life in the Kalahari have had a certain influence on the people living in this region. Longtime inhabitants of the Kalahari tend to be content with life, but also resourceful in developing better living conditions under the given circumstances. They will challenge frequent droughts by using the meager food resources offered by nature in clever ways with the best interest of domestic animals and wildlife in mind. Great distances between neighbors and small towns force people to keep their focus on the basics of life: working in and with nature to support their families, the importance of family-life, and believing in the providence and predestination of God as the Ruler of the whole of creation.

The ways of the people, the nature of the Kalahari and the wildlife here you will let you feel, see, smell and get in touch with Africa herself. For any first-time hunter in Africa, a hunting experience in the Kalahari will introduce you to the unique characteristics of the continent.

During your visit here whether for hunting or sightseeing, you can also visit the vanishing Bushmen tribe. These first hunter-gatherers and inhabitants of the Kalahari provide you a unique view into their lives and the way they survive on nature alone. These Bushmen, a small group of families, will share their knowledge of native plants and animals and tracking and trapping skills. This is a way of life you can only experience in the Kalahari and one which researchers say may vanish within the next generation.

If you have ever contemplated a first hunt to Africa, but worried you werent up to such a trip, remember that Samuel Ullman (18401924) said:

"Youth is not a time of lifeit is a state of mind. It is not a matter of red cheeks, red lips and supple knees. It is a temper of the will; a quality of the imagination; a vigor of the emotions; it is a freshness of the deep springs of life. Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over a life of ease. This often exists in a man of fifty, more than in a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years; people grow old by deserting their ideals."

If you have this youth, an appetite for adventure and the desire to experience hunting in Africa, the Kalahari is an ideal place to touch ground in Africa for that first hunt.

Visit for more information on hunting in the Kalahari of Namibia, Africa. Read more on going on a Bushmen excursion on

Copyright: All rights reserved.Betty Blog94984
Benny Blog70790

Letters of Reference Writing Tips and Strategies

In addition to standard letter-writing dos and don'ts, there are a number of basic guidelines that apply specifically to most situations related to the writing of letters of reference. These are usually more "situational" than "how-to" in nature.

These reference letter guidelines are important to both note and apply, since writing letters of reference is always a somewhat tricky and delicate matter. That's because they almost always affect the reputation and future of the writer or that of another person.

The following tips and strategies apply primarily to the writing of letters of reference in their various forms (i.e. reference letters, character reference letters, employment reference letters, college reference letters, and general reference letters).

Write It Only If You Want To
If you are asked by someone to write a reference letter about them, you don't have to say "yes" automatically. If it's someone you respect for their work, and you have mostly positive things to say, by all means write the letter.

There is no point saying "yes" and then writing a letter that says nothing good about the person, or worse still, concocting a misleading positive assessment of someone.

So, whatever you do, don't get sucked into writing a reference inappropriately out of feelings of guilt or obligation.

If You Must Refuse, Do It Right Up Front
On the other hand, if someone asks you to write a reference letter for them, and you know you'll be hard-pressed to keep it positive, say "no" right away.

There is no point in hesitating and leading the person on to believe that the answer might eventually be "yes".

A gentle but firm "no" will usually get the message across to the person. Explain that you don't think that you are the best (or most qualified) person to do it.

Suggest Someone Else
If you feel you should refuse, for whatever reason, it may be helpful for you to suggest someone else who you think might have a more positive and/or accurate assessment of the person.

That other person may be in a better position to do the assessment. Usually there are a number of possible candidates, and you may not actually be the best one.

In fact, I have seen a number of cases over the years in which people requesting reference letters have not requested the letter from the obvious or logical choice. This usually happens when the requestor doesn't like the person who is the obvious choice, and/or they are worried about what that person will say about them.

Write It As You See It
Writing a less than honest letter of reference does no one a favor in the end. It is likely to backfire on you, the person being recommended, and the new employer.

Also, many employers and head-hunting agencies check references these days.

How would you like to be called up and have to mislead people due to questionable things you may have written in a reference letter?

Be Honest, Fair, and Balanced
Honesty is always the best policy when it comes to writing reference letters. At the same time, try to be fair and balanced in your approach.

If in your estimation, a person has five strengths and one glaring weakness, but that weakness really bothers you, make sure you don't over-emphasize the weak point in the letter based on your personal bias. Just mention it in passing as a weakness and then move on.

Balanced Is Best
An overall balanced approach is the best one for a letter of reference. Even if your letter generally raves about how excellent the person is, some balance on the other side of the ledger will make it more credible. After all, nobody's perfect.

There must be some area where the person being recommended needs to improve. A bit of constructive criticism never hurts and it will make your letter more objective in nature.

Bottom Line:
The most important point to take away from the above tips and strategies is that it is your choice as to whether, and how, you will write a letter of reference.

It's an important type of letter that will have a definite impact on the future of the person about whom it is being written, so don't agree to write one unless you are willing to give it your utmost attention and effort.

Copyright © Shaun R. Fawcett

Shaun Fawcett is Webmaster of two of the most visited writing-help Web sites on the Net. He is the author of numerous how-to books on everyday practical writing help. He is also the Nets foremost authority on the definition and writing of ALL types of letters of recommendation and letters of reference. See his comprehensive resource center: Celestia Blog32716
Arlena Blog23163

RV Travel Tips For The Beginner And Seasoned RV Enthusiast

Theres never been a better time to take up the RV life. Whether youre a weekend wanderer, a snowbird or a full-timer, theres an RV to suit any travel budget and any taste. With baby boomers starting to hit retirement age, more and more people are taking to the road with their motor home, RV or travel trailer. The Recreation Vehicle Industry Association recently reported that nearly 8 million American households have and RV, motor home or travel trailer and that there are as many as 30 million RV enthusiasts in the US.

Seeing the country in an RV offers many benefits to the traveler looking for an affordable and exciting way to spend quality family time. According to one study, a family of four can save up to 74% traveling by RV instead of more conventional ways. And with more than 16,000 public and privately-owned campgrounds in the US, theres a site to fulfill everyones vacation fantasy, whether its an oceanfront view, hiking trails, casino gambling or tennis.

RV travel is easy to learn, and once youve got the hang of it, therell be no going back! Here are six helpful tips that will come in handy for both the beginning and seasoned RV enthusiast:

Map it Out

A large part of the RV appeal is the exhilarating freedom of the open road to go wherever you want, whenever you want. But it helps to have a solid travel plan in place. If you know where youre heading, you can determine the best route, which offers the most interesting places to see. Look in travel guides, contact tourism boards in states youll be passing through, and search on the Internet. Make sure to have the correct road maps with you; a GPS system is a good idea as well, especially if youre new to this kind of travel. If youve carefully designed the route youll be taking, it makes it easier to do spur-of-the moment things like checking out that oddball museum you just spotted on a roadside billboard!

Have A Checklist? Just Checking

During your pre-trip prep, in addition to working out what needs to be in the RV, put together a thorough checklist of things to do when setting up at a campground. There are the basics, like finding out where all the campground connections are, making sure your RV is level and properly hooking up your water, gas and electric systems but dont forget comfort concerns, like making sure youve packed your favorite CDs and DVDs and those new lawn chairs. Equally important, you should have a second checklist of what has to be done when you break camp, both in terms of setting up your RV for departure (quick hint: when you think the job is done and everything is ready, check again).

Be Prepared - Have A Just-For-The-RV First Aid Kit

Always make sure you have a fully stocked, up-to-date, just-for-the-RV First Aid kit, and keep it in an outside storage compartment. It should include basic medical supplies (bandages, ointment, OTC pain reliever, insect repellant, scissors, etc.) and items like a flashlight, paper and writing implements, and a disposable camera in case you have to take photos of an accident site. If you dont feel up to the task of putting one together yourself, an extensive range of ready-made First Aid kits are available for purchase. Also include an emergency supply of must-have medications and a list of important contact names (family members, doctors, insurance agents etc).

Camping with Kids

If youre traveling with children, make sure to set aside time during the day for outdoor activities, as even the roomiest RV can be confining for kids. And give each child his or her own space in the RV, no matter how small, for personal stuff and toys and games. RV traveling is a unique opportunity for your children to see new and different places and faces. There are often plenty of other kids at campgrounds but be sure to walk around a new campground with your children when you first get settled there. They need to know which campsite youre in and how to find it from other places on the grounds. If youre also taking the family pet, check beforehand to see if theyre allowed at the campground

A Little Help From Your Friends

When in doubt, ask your fellow RVer. However well-traveled you might be, odds are theres someone youll meet along the way who has been somewhere you havent, solved a problem you havent yet encountered, or spotted an out-of-the-way delight youve never heard of. No matter how much research youve done, theres bound to be a campsite you havent read about, a storage system that has escaped your notice or a funny anecdote that youll laugh about for years to come. The new folks you meet may or may not become close friends for life, but theyre an important part of the journey.

John Noble is the Marketing Consultant for Sky River RV Inc - a California-based sales and service RV dealership featuring Itasca and Airstream RV, motor home and travel trailer units. For 100% customer satisfaction and personal customer care in new and used RV sales, repair/service, parts and RV rentals that has placed Sky River RV a cut above the rest in RV dealers in California go to http://www.skyriverrv.comBeatrix Blog25795
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